This article describes the radiation cooler in the environmental simulation equipment 30K cold background test on the temperature measurement methods discussed. To achieve the 30K cold background and the neon heat pipe technology to achieve a cold background of the program to test the heat pipe design and calculation of the correctness of the actual effect of the heat pipe must be accurately and reliably measure the temperature of the cold plate and the heat pipe cold and hot end temperature. The full text is divided into two parts. In the temperature distribution and measurement methods in the low temperature and vacuum conditions using platinum resistance surface temperature sensor, gold and iron - copper and copper - constantan thermocouple integrated measurement and measurement methods are introduced, in particular, the choice of materials, installation, Dispensing methods, the measurement instrument considerations, temperature measurement devices quickly and easily indexing and develop a form and other methods. The experimental results and analysis of the successful verification of the normal operation of the neon heat pipe and 30K cold background provides data and charts, including heat sink temperature changes, radiation cooler temperature changes, 30K cold plate cooling conditions and heat pipe work Performance changes.