Ampullary cancer is a relatively uncommon cancer,which is often considered to have a best prognosis among periampullary cancers.Preoperative endoscopic uhrasonography and transpapillary intraductal ultrasonography Call provide useful information not only for tumor staging but also for making therapeutic decisions,especially in patients who are appropriate for endoscopic papillectomy.Whipple resection and pylrus preserring panereaticoduodenectomy are considered to be the standard treatment for ampullary cancer.Although transduedenal ampullectomy is regarded as a less-invasive treatment compared with Whipple resection,it has a high morbidity and hish rate of cancer-cell remnant at the resected margin.Endoscopic papiilectomy may be the treatment of choice for selected cases of ampullary cancer. As to unresectable ampullary cancer,the performance of a biliary-enteric bypass is considered routine to solve obstructive ianndice.The decision as to whether to perform gastrojejunostomy in patients without obvious gastroduodenal obstruction secondary to the tumor remains controversial.We believe that prophylactic gastrojejunostomy should be performed routinely when a patient is undergoing surgical palliation for unresectable ampullary cancer.