
来源 :中华消化外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqufy
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Ampullary cancer is a relatively uncommon cancer,which is often considered to have a best prognosis among periampullary cancers.Preoperative endoscopic uhrasonography and transpapillary intraductal ultrasonography Call provide useful information not only for tumor staging but also for making therapeutic decisions,especially in patients who are appropriate for endoscopic papillectomy.Whipple resection and pylrus preserring panereaticoduodenectomy are considered to be the standard treatment for ampullary cancer.Although transduedenal ampullectomy is regarded as a less-invasive treatment compared with Whipple resection,it has a high morbidity and hish rate of cancer-cell remnant at the resected margin.Endoscopic papiilectomy may be the treatment of choice for selected cases of ampullary cancer. As to unresectable ampullary cancer,the performance of a biliary-enteric bypass is considered routine to solve obstructive ianndice.The decision as to whether to perform gastrojejunostomy in patients without obvious gastroduodenal obstruction secondary to the tumor remains controversial.We believe that prophylactic gastrojejunostomy should be performed routinely when a patient is undergoing surgical palliation for unresectable ampullary cancer.
勃起功能障碍(erectile dysfunction,ED)的发病率较高,它对男性及其伴侣的生活质量有很大影响。随着老龄人口在社会总人口中所占比重越来越大,老龄ED患者的数量也在不断增加
目的 探讨环形嵌顿痔分段切除剥离加压术与外剥内扎术术后不同并发症的护理.方法 将84例环形嵌顿痔患者按手术方式分为两组,A组43例,行分段切除剥离加压术.B组41例,行外剥内
目的 探讨新形式下手术室的管理模式.方法 护士长根据手术室护士的个人特点和业务水平,结合个人意愿和兴趣,将护士分为5个大组,组内人员按照1:3:4的比例配置组长、固定组员和
目的 探讨心理因素与冠心病之间的关系以及心理干预的效果.方法 选取年龄40~60岁的80例冠心病住院患者,随机分为干预组与对照组各40例.干预组采用心理干预加药物治疗的方法,对
目的 探讨幕上肿瘤伴发癫(癎)的精确定位价值和手术治疗效果,研究肿瘤与致(癎)灶的关系.方法 对121例(胶质瘤Ⅰ级15例、Ⅱ级35例、Ⅲ~Ⅳ级12例,脑膜瘤32例,脑转移瘤10例,海绵
目的 观察针药结合排毒通腑法对缺血性中风急性期痰热腑实型便秘的综合疗效.方法 随机分为治疗组和对照组,两组均给予神经内科常规处理及醒脑开窍针刺法治疗,治疗组采用针药
目的 总结胰腺实性假乳头状瘤的临床诊治经验,并提出较符合我国国情的诊治流程.方法 回顾性分析2001年1月至2007年3月收治的50例胰腺实性假乳头状瘤患者的临床资料.其中男3例