一 1948年1月21日深夜,香港地区飘起蒙蒙细雨,位于荷理活道上的中央警署的一彪人马,在威廉臣警长的率领下,正驱车沿薄扶林道自北向南疾驶。同行的还有几位身份特殊的人物,他们是:国民党上海淞沪警备司令部侦缉处副处长郑重为、侦缉大队长罗静芳及其随员冯仲连、赵广禄等人。由于郑重为等四人的同行,使中央警署的这次雨夜行动变得非同寻常,平添几分神秘色彩。车过玛丽医院,警车骤然减速,车灯也随之熄火。待车停稳,威廉臣再次低声叮嘱:“注意,不得惊动周围居民。”说罢,率先闪身下车,扑入夜幕之中。为了不打草惊蛇,警车在距目标数百米外熄火停驶。威廉臣等越过玛丽医院后面的一面山坡,直逼目标
In the middle of the night of January 21, 1948, drizzle was drizzling in Hong Kong. A Biao Man at the Central Police Station on Hollywood Road was led by Sergeant William Hill and was driving north to south along Pokfulam Road . There are several other special identity of the same people, they are: Kuomintang Shanghai Songhu Garrison Command, deputy director of the detection department solemnly, reconnaissance captain Luo Jingfang and his followers Feng Zhonglian, Zhao Guanglu et al. Since solemnly serving four colleagues, this rainy night operation of the Central Police Station has become extraordinary and adds some mystery. Car over the Queen Mary Hospital, a sudden deceleration of police cars, lights will turn off. Wait for the car to stop steady, Williamson whispered again: “Note, not to disturb the residents.” Speaking, the first dodge get off, into the night. In order not to arouse his suspicions, the police car stopped its flame several hundred meters away from the target. William Hill and others crossed the hillside behind Queen Mary Hospital, almost equal to the goal