科马克·麦卡锡(Cormac McCarthy 1933—)是美国当代最著名的作家之一,他的作品既有福克纳式的对生命终极意义的探讨,又有海明威式的极简风格,可以说是福克纳和海明威最合格的文学继承人。自1965年发表处女作以来,麦卡锡一共创作了十部小说,三部戏剧和一个电视剧本。他是一个自我流放者,用生命谱写着伟大的流浪之魄。麦卡锡最初是以南方小说创作登上文坛的,但他并非生在南方,而是出生于新英格兰地区的罗德岛。他的父亲是一名律师,曾担任田纳西水利局的法律顾问。
Cormac McCarthy (1933-) is one of the most famous contemporary writers in the United States. His works have both Faulkner’s exploration of the ultimate meaning of life and Hemway minimalist style, which can be described as Fokker He and Hemingway most qualified literary successors. Since his debut debut in 1965, McCarthy has created a total of ten novels, three plays and a television script. He is a self-exile who writes about life with great wandering. McCarthy was originally written in the Southern novels, but he was not born in the South, but was born in New England Rhode Island. His father is a lawyer and served as legal advisor to the Tennessee Water Conservancy.