70.香蕉催熟方法为适应市场远销需要,香蕉常常在七、八成熟时采摘下树。在上市前经过处理完成再成熟过程,使果皮变黄、果肉变软、淀粉转化、涩味脱除,显示其固有的色、香、味.这种人为采取措施完成香蕉熟化的过程叫香蕉催熟。具体方法是: 1.熏香催熟:以普通棒香点燃置于催熟室或容器内.可根据香蕉成熟度和气温情况决定用香量和熏香时间.如5000公斤香蕉催熟间装满后,在室温30℃下,用香10支点燃后密闭10小时;若室温25℃,用香15支,密
70. Banana ripening methods to meet the needs of the market sold, bananas are often picked at seven or eight ripe trees. The process of ripening before the listing is completed and the peel becomes yellow, the pulp becomes soft, the starch is transformed and the astringent taste is removed, showing its inherent color, aroma and flavor. Such man-made measures to accomplish the banana ripening process are called banana reminder Cooked Specific methods are: 1. Incense ripening: the common bar incense lit set in the ripening room or container can be based on the maturity of the banana and the temperature decided to use incense and incense time, such as 5000 kg of banana ripening Room After full, at room temperature 30 ℃, incense 10 ignition 10 hours after sealing; if the room temperature 25 ℃, incense 15, dense