《神农本草经》卷二中品载有“积雪草”一药,近有人辑注为,“Hydroco-tyle asiatica L.”的。该学名即伞形科天胡荽属积雪草,湖南零陵、永顺称为金钱草,江苏别称落得打、金钱薄荷、铜钱草,四川称马蹄草,广东称雷公根、崩大碗。多年生匍匐草本。茎纤细伏地,节上生根。叶数片自节部丛生,有长叶柄;叶片圆形或肾圆形,基部深心形,如缺口的饭碗,故名“崩大碗”,边缘有粗钝齿,无毛或有疏毛。夏季自叶腋生出1—4个伞形花序,细
The “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica” volume 2 contains a drug called “Centella asiatica” which has been closely edited as “Hydroco-tyle asiatica L.”. The scientific name is Umbelliferaceae Centella asiatica Centella, Hunan Lingling, Yongshun is known as Lycoriscus chinensis, Jiangsu is called Falling, Money mint, Coppergrass, Sichuan is called Horseshoe grass, Guangdong is called Leigonggen, collapsed bowl. Perennial herb. The stems are thin and the roots take root. Leaves several pieces clustered from nodes, with long petiole; leaf blade round or kidney-shaped, base deep heart-shaped, such as the gap of the rice bowl, hence the name “big bowl”, coarse blunt teeth, hairless or sparse . In the summer, 1-4 umbellifers are produced from leafhoppers.