Children Yan Wenjun, male, 4 years old, mainly due to 3 hours before inadvertently “vertigo stop” 15 admitted to hospital admission T36.5 ℃, P140 beats / min, R24 beats / min, BP17.3 / 12kPa (130 / 90mmHg), bilateral pupils and other large round, 0.5 × 0.5cm on the existence of light reflex, no abnormal heart and lungs, children ambiguous, irritability, facial flushing, sufferers, hallucinations, systemic skin and mucous membrane no bleeding and rash. Immediately after admission, tongue depressor pressure tongue base stimulation pharyngeal wall emetic, the effect is not satisfactory, immediately under the gastric lavage, because the pharmacological composition is not clear, it is given saline gastric lavage, insert