我翻动着两部专业著作书稿——一本是汉文书写的《工业与民用建筑专业》;一本是用哈萨克文书写的《城镇规划基本知识》。前者是给伊犁哈萨克自治州新近成立的工交建筑学校编写的教材;后者是给有关部门翻译的专著。即将出版。我打开书柜,看到了《材料力学》、《砖石结构构件计算》、《静力学》、《半导体收音机》、《自然科学概论》等许多书籍。其中有汉文的,也有哈萨克文和维吾尔文的;有编著的,也有翻译的。我仔细地计算一下,这些专著足足有一百一十万字! 这些专著的编著者和翻译者,是当代哈萨
I flipped two professional manuscripts - one for “professional in industrial and civil architecture” written in Chinese and the other for “basic knowledge of urban planning” written in Kazakh. The former is a textbook for the recently established ICUC school in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture; the latter is a monograph for translation to relevant departments. Coming soon. I opened the bookcase and saw many books such as “Materials Mechanics”, “Calculation of Masonry Structures,” “Statics,” “Semiconductor Radios,” “Introduction to Natural Science.” There are Chinese, Kazakh and Uighur; there are editorial, but also translated. I carefully calculated that these monographs a full 1.1 million words! The editor and translator of these monographs, is the contemporary Haza