何杰金病(?)及肺时有多种诊断方法。作者报道用纤支镜获取支气管内刷检物标本予以细胞学确诊.患者男,23岁。1984年11月诊断为何杰金病结节硬化型,IA 期,病变局限于右锁骨上窝。仅用放疗后即获完全缓解。1986年7月开始有干咳、低热。胸片示右下肺野不均匀阴影伴右肺门周围淋巴结肿大。用强力霉素治疗1周无效。以后的胸片示病变有扩大。纤支镜检查发现右中间支气管有小的白色斑点,于刷检标本中找到里-斯氏细胞,活检标本示非特异
There are multiple diagnostic methods for Hodgkin’s disease (?) and the lungs. The authors reported using a bronchoscope to obtain intrabronchial brush specimens for cytological diagnosis. The patient was male, 23 years old. In November 1984, it was diagnosed why Jiejin’s disease was sclerotic and in stage IA, the lesion was confined to the right supraclavicular fossa. Only complete remission after radiation therapy. In July 1986, there was dry cough and low fever. The chest radiograph showed inhomogeneous shadows in the right lower lung field with lymph nodes around the right hilum. Treatment with doxycycline for 1 week did not work. Later chest radiographs showed enlargement of the lesion. Fibrobronchoscopy revealed a small white spot on the right middle bronchus, and a Risner’s cell was found in the swab specimen. The biopsy specimen was non-specific.