抗疟药和药物抗性 1960年以来,随着蚊虫对杀虫剂抗性的增加,抗疟用的杀虫剂的涨价和喷洒实施困难的增加,对化学治疗,特别是4-氨基喹啉类药物氯喹的依赖性更大。氯喹在治疗上和预防上常常用量不足,所以出现了抗氯喹恶性疟原虫株。首先出现在拉丁美洲,东南亚和太平洋地区,其后在印度次大陆,东非和中非的广大地区。最近,氯喹抗性已在西非的
Antimalarial drugs and drug resistance Since 1960, as mosquitoes have increased their resistance to pesticides, the price of anti-malarial pesticides and the difficulty of spraying have increased, Chloroquine, a psychotropic drug, is more dependent. Chloroquine in the treatment and prevention are often under-used, so the emergence of chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum strains. First appeared in Latin America, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, followed by the vast Indian subcontinent, East Africa and Central Africa. Recently, chloroquine resistance has been in West Africa