时代在变,人的观念也在变,许多传统观念正面临着挑战。人类组织家庭是最自然不过的事,可曾几何时冒出个“单身家庭”的字眼来,单身现象被一些人披上了华彩的外衣,并认为这是社会进步的表现,这种观点被传播到世界各地,不能说不是一种传统观念的巨大改变。在漫漫的历史长河中,家庭作为人类社会的细胞,从来都是不可动摇的基石,男婚女嫁自古至今都是顺理成章的,所以说家庭是人类文明的必然产物和具体体现。奇怪的是当今在西方国家,家庭却面临巨大的冲击,单身家庭反而成为时尚,偏偏还有人认为这是社会发展、人性升华的表现。开放大潮中我国一些城市里也出现了这种苗头,离婚似乎是小事一桩,标榜单身至上者大有人在。单身真的那么自在和尽如人意吗?不见得。我们不妨从生理、心理、社会三方面来对其加以剖析: 一、单身一族的心态透析
Times are changing and people’s concepts are changing. Many traditional concepts are facing challenges. It is natural for human beings to organize a family. How often did it emerge that “single family” was the single phenomenon clothed by some people in a gorgeous dress and considered it a manifestation of social progress? This view Spread to all parts of the world, we can not say that it is not a huge change in traditional concepts. In the long course of history, as the cell of human society, the family has always been the unshakable cornerstone. Since ancient times, the marriage and the marriage of men and women are a matter of course, so the family is an inevitable product of human civilization and a concrete manifestation. What is strange is that nowadays in western countries, families are facing a huge impact and the single families have become fashionable. However, some people think this is a manifestation of social development and humanity’s sublimation. In the tide of opening up, there are some signs of such signs in some cities in our country. It seems that divorce is a trivial matter. Is it so comfortable and satisfying? We may wish to analyze it from the aspects of physiology, psychology and society: First, the mentality of single-family dialysis