Bacterial blight is the main disease of rice in our province. In recent years, due to the spreading and spreading of the disease throughout the province, food losses have amounted to hundreds of millions of kilograms. Therefore, reducing or even controlling the disease has become an urgent issue to be solved. In 1975, under the guidance of Chairman Mao Zedong’s study of anti-revisionism, stability and unity and the national economy, under the guidance of the Dazhai Movement in Agriculture, we selected Jingmen, Zhongxiang, Jingshan and Jiangling , When Yang, Zhijiang six counties as a bacterial blight prevention and control model. Demands to achieve the protection of disease-free zones, compression of light ward, the control of the ward in the “sick no disaster” level, and strive to eliminate its harm within 2-3 years for the province to provide bacterial control of bacterial leaf blight