Patient, male, 15 years old. More than 40 days before the first sensory blurred, more than 20 days after the left lower eyelid eyelashes, lower left, upper eyelid skin has turned white; current vision loss, white is still progressing. The patients were generally healthy and their parents were married to non-relatives. There was no other family history of the disease. Physical examination: well-developed, cardiopulmonary (-), visual acuity of left eye 0.2, visual acuity of 1.2 of the right eye (international standard far visual acuity chart) Congestive, aqueous turbid, corneal gray KP, macular edema, a little white oozing dots. Central fossa reaction “dark”, retinal edema, pale yellow, in line with “uveitis”. Upper left eyelid 1.5cm × 1cm white spot, curved, realm of clear, the left head