19世纪70年代中后期,我国北方发生了特大旱灾,史称“丁成奇 荒”。以李鸿章为首的洋务派积极主持了对灾民的赈济活动,动员和 组织社会力量进行义捐,为后世留下了许多有益的经验。他们对这 一奇灾发生的深层社会原因作了探究分析,揭露出困人为破坏导致 生态失衡,抗灾能力降低的现实状况,这对后世的防灾抗灾和发展 农业均有重要的启迪和借鉴作用。
In the mid-late 1970s, a severe drought hit northern China. The Westernization School led by Li Hongzhang has actively presided over the relief activities for the victims, mobilized and organized the social forces for donations, and has left many useful experiences for future generations. They made an exploratory analysis of the deep social causes of this strange disaster and exposed the reality that the trapped people were destroying ecological imbalances and reducing their resilience. All these have an important enlightenment and reference for disaster prevention and disaster relief and the development of agriculture in the future .