能在多个国家正常上路的超级跑车,哦!不对,应该也算是超级改装车RUF CTR3绝对是这小撮车型中具领跑潜质的急先锋,你知道吗?它其实早已来到中国,你只需550万元人民币就能买到3.8升双涡轮单元配序列式变速箱的超级跑车,看来穷的只剩钱的富豪要苦练右手了。公司里有位同事,年龄虽不大,但屌丝情结却非常严重,不过这种性格却营造出他对汽车的专一与热爱,哪怕是在路上偶然碰到一台LP 700-4 Aventador都要停下车细细拍摄一番。我总是教导他不要显得太没见过世面,难道成天看的官图还不多吗?只是话说回来,就职业特点而言,我们能见到超级跑车的机会要远远大于一般车迷,甚至即便是官方图片也是第一时间审阅,但真正能够打动我们的超级
RULE CTR3 is absolutely a pioneer in this small group of cars with the potential to lead, you know? It has long since come to China, you only Need 5.5 million yuan to buy a 3.8-liter twin-turbo unit with a serial transmission supercar, it seems the poor left the rich to hard right hand. There is a colleague in the company, although not very old, but the reticulation complex but very serious, but this character has created his car and love and love, even on the road accidentally met an LP 700-4 Aventador have Stop the car carefully shot some. I always teach him not to appear to have never seen the world, is not the official figure seen all day long? Just then, in terms of professional characteristics, we can see super sports car opportunities far greater than the average fan, Even the official picture is the first time to review, but really be able to impress us super