Dana Thomas黛娜·托马斯《新闻周刊》巴黎分社资深文化与时尚作家,她从1994年开始为《纽约时报》杂志撰写报导,并且在各种刊物发表专栏,《纽约客》,《哈泼时尚》、《时尚》,《华盛顿邮报》与伦敦的《金融时报》。1996年到1999年,在巴黎大学教授新闻学。过去十五年,她为《华盛顿邮报》、《新闻周刊》与《时代》杂志巴黎分社撰写关于时尚与精品事业的报导,她探讨精品工业黑暗面的文章鞭辟入里,揭发Prada、Gucci与Burberry等名牌不愿让大众知道的真相。中产阶级是奢侈品的主要消费群,他们很容易受到广告的煽动,习惯把电影明星和名流作为时尚偶像,而且他们尚未富有到不计代价追求奢侈的程度。为了投其所好,
Dana Thomas Dina Thomas Senior culture and fashion writer at Newsweek Paris, she has written articles for the New York Times magazine since 1994, and has published columns in various publications, New Yorker, Harper Fashion , “Fashion”, “Washington Post” and “Financial Times” in London. From 1996 to 1999, he taught journalism at the University of Paris. In the past fifteen years, she has written about the fashion and boutique business for the “Washington Post”, “Newsweek” and “Time” magazine Paris Branch. She explored the dark side of the boutique industry, whipping up articles, exposing Prada, Gucci and Burberry, etc. The brand does not want to let the public know the truth. The middle class is the main consumer group of luxury goods. They are easily incited by advertisements, are used to making movie stars and celebrities as fashion icons, and they are not yet rich enough to pursue luxury at all costs. In order to do their best,