女上尉涓是丙子年春天调到位于沣河岸边的某汽车技工训练大队卫生所的。卫生所只有两个人,一个是老所长,另一个当然是涓了。 报到那天,淡淡的阳光,很柔和地洒下来,在露出绿芽的枯草上跳动,给营区带来一派春的生机。老所长领着涓在营区里熟悉情况。当走到营区一拐角处时,老所长指着门前有棵含苞欲放的月季的一幢房子,对涓说:“你看,那就是卫生所。”
Captain Juan Juan is transferred to the spring of 2009, is located in the banks of a river car mechanic training brigade clinics. Only two people in the clinic, one is the old director, the other is of course trickle. On the day of the check-in, the faint sunlight shone down softly and jumped on the hay that exposed the green shoots, bringing a spring of vigor to the camp. The old director led Juan familiar with the situation in the camp. When he reached the corner of the barracks, the old director pointed at the front of a house with a blossoming rose. He said to Juan, “You see, that is the clinic.”