In a three-dimensional medium consisting of a heterogeneous isotropic velocity layer, we use a 4 × 4T propagation matrix of three-dimensional central rays to determine the second-order (parabolic or hyperbola) two-point of a set of paraxial rays that pass near the central ray of the model Approximate when traveling The propagation matrix consists of important seismic parameters. These rays are determined by perturbing the start and end points of the center ray at the smooth curved front and back interfaces. The perturbation at the end of each ray is determined by a two-component vector. In this paper, the T-propagation operator is used to determine the travel-time approximations (using a set of valid 3D seismic models) of hyperbolic and parabolic paraxial two-point travel, with special emphasis on the trip time of reflecting the ray by paraxial approximation. This method has been used to solve several forward and inverse seismic problems. Our results simplify the three-component vector to describe the perturbation of the end of the ray. In order to emphasize the importance of the hyperbolic expression, we point out that hyperbolic paraxial ray Traveling (a function of four independent variables) is accurate for the primary reflection of a smooth incline on a uniform velocity medium.