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在持续一年的涨、涨、涨之后,世界石油价格终于盼来了连续、有效的下跌。到4月17日为止,油价已连跌五周。徘徊在世界各国头顶上的“第四次石油危机”的浓重阴云,终于暂时宣告吹散。 但是,这次险些重演石油恐慌的市场动荡,却给过去长期置身世界石油市场之外的中国敲响了警 After a year of rising, rising, and rising prices, the world’s oil prices have finally seen a continuous and effective decline. By April 17th, the price of oil had fallen for 5 weeks. The heavy cloud of the “fourth oil crisis” that was lying on top of the world’s nations was finally announced for a while. However, the market turmoil that almost reprised the oil panic has sounded a warning to China that has long been outside the world oil market.
1.-那是谁?-是林涛。误:-Who’s that?-It’s Lin Tao. 正:-Who’s that?-That’s Lin Tao. 析:含有this,that作主语的问句中,this,that指物时,回答一般用it;但若指人,回答
Dear Mom and Dad,Gue$$ what I need? Ples$e $end $ome$oon.Be$t Wi$h$Your $on $ammy Dear Mom and Dad, Gue$$ what I need? Ples$e $end $ome$oon.Be$t Wi$h$Your $on
请先用Units 5—6中表示人的代词填表,再选所填的词完成句子: 一、填表 Please use the pronouns of the person represented in Units 5-6 to fill in the form, and then
Once there lived a little old woman in a small village.The little old woman had only one blandet Once there lived a little old woman in a small village.The lit
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Doing things together makes us feel less lonely.Here are some poems to read togther. Doing things together together makes us feel less lonely.Here are some poe
7月份,拥有超过10年国际软件公司管理经验的沈惠中出任普元软件首 In July, Shen Huizhong, who has more than 10 years of experience in international software compani