中国平民百姓源于内心的“勤俭”精神,企望获得购物技巧,以期买东西时能节省开支少吃苦头。笔者介绍购物的五种基本技巧以供读者参考借鉴。 一、买批发。批量购物,省钱省事。时下诸多交易市场、商场商店降低了批发起点,方便了家庭
The Chinese civilian population derives from the inner “diligent” spirit and hopes to acquire shopping skills in order to save money and eat less when buying things. The author introduces five basic skills for shopping for reference by readers. First, buy wholesale. Bulk shopping saves money and saves time. Many trading markets and shopping malls now reduce the starting point for wholesale and facilitate the family