“HOME THEATER GRAND PRIX 09~10”大奖是日本《HOME THEATER》杂志针对日本家庭影院领域而推出的本年度大奖,主要包括了Best Installation of the Year(全年最佳装修设计大奖)以及Best Home TheaterProducts(最佳家庭影院产品大奖)。其中,Best Installation of the Year(全年最佳装修设计大奖)的评选范围从日本《HOME THEATER》杂志中进行投票选取。而Best Home Theater Products(最佳家庭影院产品大奖)则从家庭影院相关的附属产品中进行选择,主要考虑产品本身的性能以及与家居环境的融合程度。
The “HOME THEATER GRAND PRIX 09 ~ 10” award is the grand prize of “HOME THEATER” magazine for the Japanese home theater field, including Best Installation of the Year and Best Home TheaterProducts (Best Home Theater Product Awards). Among them, the Best Installation of the Year (Best House Design Award) the scope of selection from the Japanese “HOME THEATER” magazine to vote. Best Home Theater Products, on the other hand, picks from home theater-related accessories, taking into account the performance of the product itself and how it fits into the home environment.