Increased apoptosis and decreased density of medial smooth muscle cells in human abdominal aortic an

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djnm080910
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Objective To determine the increase of apoptosis and the decrease of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) density in human abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). Methods In situ terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) was employed to detect apoptosis of SMCs in patients with AAA (n=25) and normal abdominal aortae (n=10). Positive cells were identified by specific cell marker in combination with immunohistochemistry. Meanwhile SMC counting was performed by anti-α-actin immunohistostaining to compare the SMC density. Results TUNEL staining revealed that there was significantly increased apoptosis in AAAs (average 8.6%) compared with normal abdominal aortae (average 0.95%, P<0.01). Double staining showed that most of these cells were SMCs. Counting of α-actin positive SMCs revealed that medial SMC density of AAAs (37.5±7.6 SMCs /HPF) was reduced by 79.1% in comparison with that of normal abdominal aortae (179.2±16.1 SMCs /HPF, P<0.01). Conclusions Significantly increased SMCs of AAA bear apoptotic markers initiating cell death. Elevated apoptosis may result in a decreased density of SMCs in AAA, which may profoundly influence the development of AAA.
奔驰AMG GT  除了全新C 63 AMG,奔驰还带来了AMG GT跑车,这款车型被看成是SLS AMG的继任者。AMG GT采用圆润的前脸设计,配备惹人注目的前进气格栅与LED大灯,并采用无框车门与可电动展开的后扰流翼。入门级AMG GT搭载一款双涡轮增压4.0L V8发动机,最大功率与峰值转矩分别为339kW和600N-m,与这款发动机相搭配的是一款7挡双离合变速器,其0~100km/h加速
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1临床资料2004年1月至2007年12月间我院发生初产头位难产262例,发生率为10·1%,262例头位难产中有50例存在明显的头盆不称,不宜试产,临产后即作剖宫产术。其中22例宫高≥40 c
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