Toxicity assessing for chlorpyrifos-contaminated soil with three different earthworm test methods

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:keyca
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Earthworm toxicity tests are useful tools for terrestrial risk assessment but require a hierarchy of test designs that differ in effect levels (behavior, sublethal, lethal). In this study, the toxicity of chlorpyrifos contaminated soil on earthworms was assessed. In addition to the acute and chronic tests, an avoidance response test was applied. Earthworms were exposed to sublethal and lethal concentration of chlorpyrifos, and evaluated for acute toxicity, growth, fecundity and avoidance response after a certain exposure period. The test methods covered all important ecological relevant endpoints (acute, chronic, behavioral). Concentration of 78.91 mg/kg, chlorpyrifos caused significant toxic effects in all test methods, but at lower test concentrations, only significant chronic toxic effects could be observed. In the present study, chlorpyrifos had adverse effect on growth and fecundity in earthworm exposed to 5 mg/kg chlorpyrifos after eight weeks. The avoidance response test, however, showed significant repellent effects concentration of 40 mg/kg chlorpyrifos. For chlorpyrifos, concentration affecting avoidance response was far greater than growth and fecundity, it seemed likely that earthworms were not able to escape from pesticide-contaminated soil into the clean soil in field and hence were exposed continuously to elevated concentrations of pesticides.
摘 要:在水稻种植过程中会遭遇严重的病害风险,直接影响了水稻产量和质量,不利于种植行业的发展,制约了行业效益的获取。基于此,文章将云南怒江州地区水稻作为重点研究对象,阐述当地水稻种植与病虫害防治技术,希望有所帮助。  关键词:水稻;种植技术;病虫害;防治技术;研究  水稻在粮食作物中占据重要地位,为人民群众生存与发展提供了必要的物质基础。由此可见,深入研究并分析水稻种植及病虫害防治技术具有一定的现
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