“静故了群动,空故纳万境。”苏轼这句诗可以说是中国画艺术品格最好的写照。以静观动,以空廓的画面和空灵的意境,包括宇宙万物万境,含蕴人生无限情怀,可以说是中国画独到的艺术追求。 这样一种艺术品格和追求,体现在国画的形象上,就是国画的画面常常有大幅的空白。所谓空白是指画中笔墨未到的无形之处以及笔墨隐蔽的地方,比如齐白石画鱼、画虾从来不画水,留下大片的空白,但观赏者通过鱼虾的游动之态,展开想象和联想,就可以感受到水的存在和水之澄明;郭熙的《梅石溪凫图》里突兀的峻石,几株从崖石里伸出的梅枝,以及几只闲游的野鸭,仅占画幅的三分之一,其余部分是空白,然而,这些空白是水,是天,是水天一色,尽凭你自由联想。
“Quietly a group of people, the sky was satisfied.” Su Shi’s poem can be said that this is the best portrayal of the character of Chinese painting. In order to observe the movement, with the empty outline of the picture and the ethereal mood, including the universe everything, contains unlimited feelings of life can be said that the unique art of Chinese painting pursuit. Such a character and pursuit of art, reflected in the image of Chinese painting, is the picture of traditional Chinese painting is often a substantial blank. The so-called blank refers to the painting in the invisible place and ink hidden place, such as Qi Baishi painted fish, painting shrimp never draw water, leaving a large blank, but the viewer through the movement of fish and shrimp, start the imagination And Lenovo, you can feel the presence of water and the clarity of water; Guo Xi’s “plum Strait map” in the unexpected steep Jun, several strains from the cliff stone plum sticks, as well as a few leisure swimming ducks, Only one-third of the frame, the rest is blank, however, these gaps are water, is the sky, water and water, make your free association.