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据日本神户报社电子版消息NEXT报道称,神户制钢所在4月28日发布消息称,公司将时隔三年,也就是2017财年有望实现盈利。除了主打产品钢铁、工程建设机械业绩回升以外,铝、铜市场也将维持较好势头。由于神户建机(神户制钢在中国的子公司)业绩不佳,神户制钢连续两年财务亏损。2017财年净盈亏预计将由2016财年的亏损230亿日元转为盈利300亿日元,经常性盈亏也将由亏损 According to Japan’s Kobe newspaper electronic news NEXT reported that Kobe Steel announced on April 28 that the company will be profitable for three years, that is, fiscal year 2017. In addition to the rebound of the flagship product of steel and construction machinery, the market for aluminum and copper will also maintain a relatively good momentum. Kobe Steel suffered a two-year financial loss as a result of the poor performance of Kobe Kake (a subsidiary of Kobe Steel in China). Net profit and loss for FY2017 is expected to shift from a loss of 23.0 billion yen in FY16 to a profit of 30.0 billion yen. Recurring gains and losses will also be offset by a loss