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本生产性试验的目的,是研究齿轮锻坯酸洗后凹槽还残存的氧化皮对气体渗碳的影响。试验结果表明:气体渗碳炉中有了氧化皮,对炉子气氛影响很大;炉中CO_2%大大地超过了正常的CO_2%。通过试验,研究带有氧化皮齿轮的气体渗碳的一般规律,采取了相应措施,从而保证了此类齿轮的渗碳质量。同时对氧化皮影响气体渗碳进行了计算与分析,提出了在炉子中加入焦碳有可能使炉中的CO_2%较快地降低到正常的CO_2%量。试验表明:高温下加入焦碳后,确有强化渗碳气氛和加快渗碳速度等效果。通过本试验进一步推论渗碳炉马弗罐的“老化”主要是“氧化”的问题,采取了除去马弗灌壁上的氧化皮等措施后,使曾“报废”了的马弗罐重新投入生产。 The purpose of this productive test is to study the effect of the oxide scale remaining on the groove after carburizing the gear forging on the carburization of the gas. The experimental results show that there is oxide scale in the gas carburizing furnace, which has a great influence on the furnace atmosphere. The CO 2% in the furnace greatly exceeds the normal CO 2%. Through the experiment, the general law of gas carburizing with scale gear was studied and corresponding measures were taken to ensure the quality of carburizing of such gear. At the same time, the influence of scale on gas carburizing was calculated and analyzed, and it was proposed that the addition of coke in the furnace could cause the CO 2% in the furnace to decrease rapidly to the normal amount of CO 2%. Tests show that: After adding coke under high temperature, does have the effect of strengthening carburizing atmosphere and speeding up carburizing speed. Through this test to further infer the carburizing furnace muffle “aging” is the main “oxidation” problem, taken to remove muffle irrigation scale and other measures, the once “muffled” muffle re-enter produce.
如何引进和管理电子信息资源已经成为图书馆工作关注的焦点。本文简单介绍了电子信息资源的种类和特性,对引进电子信息资源应考虑的因素和如何管理电子信息资源。 How to in
枝繁叶茂 花好月圆──庆祝本刊创刊15周年金秋十月,正是一年中最美好的时节。每当这个时节,正好是本刊的生日。今年十月,已是本刊创刊15周年了。短短15年,弹指一挥间。回顾往昔,我们既
This paper investigates the gap between qualitative and quantitative constraints in spare parts stock control, with specific reference to warship spare parts su
自由基反应已普遍应用于有机合成。涉及电子转移过程的一个重要试剂是 S_2O_8~(2-),S_2O_8~(2-)在银盐催化下可氧化羧酸形成烷基自由基: Free radical reaction has been w
本文根据Fe(Ⅲ)—NTA—水杨酸三元配合物建立水杨酸的分光光度测定方法。测定波长为470nm,摩尔吸光系数为1.8×10~3 L·mol~(-1)·Cm~(-1),相对误差在±3%之间。本法用于Fe(Ⅲ