小康路上 有你有我——访昆明市“民族团结示范点”

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2003年7月,云南省民族事务委员会向全省民委系统发出通知,要求各州市民委(民宗局)开展“民族团结示范点”创建活动,旨在通过创建“示范点”,经常性地开展马克思主义民族观和党的民族政策的宣传教育,开展群众性公民道德教育活动,营造有利于民族团结的社会氛围;建立健全群防群治和治保调解组织,消除影响团结稳定的各种隐患,使“示范点”群众的生产生活条件明显改善,村容村貌有明显变化,对周边地区民族团结和经济发展起到良好的带动和辐射作用,在巩固和发展社会主义民族关系方面起到典型示范作用。通知得到了各地各级民委(民宗局)的积极响应,短短一年多时间,全省民委系统已先后建立起省州(市)县三级共建的16个“民族团结示范点”,并有许多“示范点”已初见成效。本刊今年将对各地“示范点”陆续进行报道,一方面展示“示范点”各族干部群众的奔小康风采,另一方面希望起到交流经验、促进工作的作用。 In July 2003, the Ethnic Affairs Commission of Yunnan Province issued a circular to the Shaanxi Provincial Committee on Discipline, urging the State Ethnic Affairs Commission (Minsheng Bureau) to launch the “National Unity Demonstration Point” to create a “demonstration site,” and to regularly Carry out propaganda and education on the ethnic outlook of Marxism and the party's ethnic policy, carry out mass civic moral education activities and create a social atmosphere conducive to national unity; establish and improve the organizations for preventing and treating groups of people and for ensuring public security and eliminating the disputes that affect unity and stability So that the production and living conditions of the people in the “demonstration sites” markedly improved. The village appearance of the village has undergone significant changes and has played a good role of driving and radiating the national unity and economic development in the surrounding areas. In terms of consolidating and developing the socialist ethnic relations Play a typical role model. The circular has received positive responses from the local people's committees at all levels (Minzung Bureau). In just a little more than a year, the 16 provincial Ethnic Solidarity Demonstrations Point “and many” demonstration spots “have achieved initial success. This year, we will cover one after another ”demonstration sites“ all over the country. On the one hand, we will showcase our well-to-do cadres and their cadres from all ethnic groups in the ”demonstration sites." On the other hand, we hope to play a role in exchanging experiences and promoting our work.
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