眼下正值隆冬时节,可今年冬季是少有的暖冬,虽说前几天纷纷扬扬地下了一场鹅毛般的大雪,可是很快放晴。几天后的1月22日,天气是那般的晴朗,阳光明媚,已透出早春的气息。 这一天,新洲偏远的穷村郭岗村沸腾开了。在田间地头,在村委会门前,拢来了从四面八方汇集的,许多孩子像过年似的瞅着这些远方来的“亲戚”——武汉市国税局的所有局领导及部分干部。 (一)
At the moment when the winter season, but this winter is rare in the winter, although a few days ago have aroused underground a goose-like heavy snow, but soon cleared. A few days later on January 22, the weather is so sunny, sunny, has revealed the atmosphere of early spring. On this day, Guogang Village, a remote poor village in Xinzhou, boiled. In the fields, in front of the village committee, gathered from all walks of life, many children looked like the New Year “relatives” from afar - Wuhan Bureau of IRS all the bureau leaders and some cadres. (one)