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职业中学的学生普遍存在诸多问题:他们当中有很多人会有一种无奈、失落,有着沉重的自卑感,有时很顽皮,有些行为举止很不得当,对前途没有具体规划、有些学生沉迷于网上浑浑噩噩过日子等等。因此,本文针对当前中职生的现状,从以下三个方面探讨在职业中学如何开展励志教育:1.励志教育,师先行;2.赏识教育,寻找闪光点;3.励志教育渠道。 There are many problems in vocational secondary schools. Many of them have a sense of helplessness, loss, heavy inferiority, sometimes naughty behavior, inappropriate behavior, no concrete planning for the future, and some students addicted to the Internet Live and so on. Therefore, this article aims at the current situation of secondary vocational students, from the following three aspects to explore how to carry out motivational education in vocational schools: 1. Inspirational education, teachers first; 2. Appreciation of education, looking for bright spots; 3. Motivational education channels.
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