一、TQC全面质量管理的实质全面质量管理(Total Quality Control)就是对产品质量实行总体的综合管理,在企业中建立一套完善的质量保证工作体系。它要求企业的各级负责人以至每一个职工都要接受经常的产品质量管理教育,企业内部各职能部门都应明确本部门对产品质量所担负的责任,并以数理统计方法为基本手段,分析改进从产品设计、原料进厂、加工制造、销售到用户服务的各环节产生的对产品质量有影响的各种因素,充分发挥各种现代专业技术及管理技术作用,层层把好质量关,生产出用户满意的产品。全面质量管理涉及企业管理的许多内容,必然会引起企业在生产、技术、管理上的重大变革。例如新产品的研究、设计、试制、鉴定和老产品的改
I. The essence of total quality management of TQC Total Quality Control is to implement overall integrated management of product quality and establish a set of perfect quality assurance working system in the company. It requires that the company’s leaders at all levels and even every employee should receive regular education on product quality management. Each functional department within the company should clarify the responsibility of the department for product quality, and use mathematical statistics as the basic means to analyze Improve the various factors that affect the product quality that result from product design, raw materials entering the factory, processing and manufacturing, sales, and customer service, and give full play to the role of various modern professional technologies and management technologies, and lay a good foundation on all levels. Produce products that users are satisfied with. Total quality management involves many aspects of business management and will inevitably cause major changes in production, technology, and management. For example, new product research, design, trial production, appraisal and change of old products