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  Shams Charania, the College Senior Breaking NBA News in Class.
  Shams Charania breaks NBA trades on the shuttle between his college’s campuses. He tweets signings in class. Not-always-understanding professors watch as he steps out to take the occasional phone call from an important source.
  Charania, a senior at Loyola University Chicago who turned 22 in April, is one of the most prolific NBA news breakers today.
  Announcing his hiring in December, Yahoo! called him a“wunderkind.” ESPN’s Ramona Shelburne has nicknamed him “Doogie Howser.” Adrian Wojnarowski, Charania’s boss at The Vertical, Yahoo!’s basketball site, says he’s the “best young basketball reporter on the planet.”
  去年12月宣布聘用他时,雅虎网站称他为“天才”。ESPN的拉莫娜·谢尔伯恩给他起了个Doogie Howser①的绰号。查拉尼亚在雅虎篮球网站The Vertical的老板亚德里安·沃齐纳斯基说他是“地球上最优秀的年轻篮球记者”。

  “When I went into it, I didn’t want anyone to know how old I was,”Charania says. “It’s easy to mask how old you are if you approach things the right way.”
  With news-breaking spearheaded by Wojnarowski and his new understudy, The Vertical has flexed in the first free agency since the site launched in January. They beat ESPN’s television coverage to every draft pick. They were first to the news of Dwyane Wade and Al Horford and, were it not for the nature of The Players’ Tribune, probably would’ve had Kevin Durant, too.
  在沃齐纳斯基和他的新预备队员的带领下,1月成立的The Vertical在成立后的第一个自由球员市场上展示了自己的实力。选秀时,他们爆料每一个顺位新秀人选的速度都比ESPN的电视直播快。他们是第一个爆料德维恩·韦德和艾尔·霍福德新闻的网站。如果不是因为“球员论坛”,凯文·杜兰特的决定也很可能由他们第一个爆出。
  If you hadn’t seen Charania’s name before this summer, you almost certainly have by now. His follower count has jumped from about 33,000 to 73,000 since June 20 because Shams (rhymes with “Woj bombs”②) has been all over some major deals.
  He broke Dwight Howard to the Hawks, DeMar DeRozan re-signing with the Raptors, Luol Deng to the Lakers and Jamal Crawford re-signing with the Clippers. ?Consider this free agency period his coming-out party.
  他是最先爆出德怀特·霍华德去老鹰、德玛尔·德罗赞与猛龙续约、卢尔·邓签约湖人和贾马尔·克劳福德续约快船的人。我们不妨把这次自由球员市场看作他扬名立万的派对。   But Charania has never worked or interned for a newspaper. He doesn’t have a fancy degree. He didn’t start with any industry connections. So how did this happen?
  How did he go from one of a million NBA-obsessed teenagers to 22-year-old media phenom?
  Charania has quietly built a network of sources over four years of fulltime reporting. Glued to his phone, he sends hundreds of texts and emails each day. Even when he’s not looking for news, he regularly checks in with his sources—players, agents, and team executives.
  “Obviously there are people who just don’t know,” he says. “Why are you always on your phone? Why are you always texting? Get a life.I love that aspect (of always being on the phone). I don’t even consider it work because I would be doing it anyway. I would be scrolling RealGM or HoopsHype.”
  Agents and players have connected with his humble, trustworthy nature. Though he won’t reveal much about how he has built his rolodex, Charania says going to games and meeting people in person has been critical to making connections.
  He started small, breaking international, D-League, and 10-day contract news. One relationship led to another.
  His career started at 18. As a high school senior writing for his school paper, he reached out to ChicagoNOW, a subsidiary of the Chicago Tribune. They allowed him to write daily Chicago Bulls recaps.
  “At that point you’re just looking for any platform,” says Charania. “It could be a viewership of like 100 people, but as long as you’re getting the reps in, that’s what it was about to me.”

  Using his clips from ChicagoNOW, Charania contacted RealGM, a basketball site he and his friends followed religiously. Chris Reina, RealGM’s executive editor, allowed him to write wire news and analysis. Impressed by Charania’s work ethic and professionalism, Reina offered him a full-time, salaried reporting job less than a year later.   利用ChicagoNOW的经历,查拉尼亚联系了RealGM这家被他和他的朋友视作信仰的篮球网站。RealGM的执行主编克里斯·雷纳让他撰写通讯和分析。被查拉尼亚的职业精神和专业素质打动,不到一年后,雷纳为他提供了一份全职、带薪的报道工作。
  “He was very clear from the start what he wanted his career to look like,” Reina says. “At that age, he wanted to be a basketball reporter, and he was using Wojnarowski as a model for how to do it.”
  Charania says Wojnarowski is “the blueprint to sports journalism, period.”
  The Bulls gave him a credential, but revoked it when they discovered he was 19. The team had a policy against giving press passes to college students.
  Charania found another solution: he started driving 90 minutes each way to cover the Milwaukee Bucks, a smaller-market team with less media demand. He’d hang around after press scrums and try to grab a player for a one-on-one conversation.
  It was also in Milwaukee that Charania met some of his journalism idols. He introduced himself to Wojnarowski and Lee Jenkins, among others. Wojnarowski, who recalls introducing himself to Bob Ryan as a recent college grad at the 1994 NBA Draft, took a liking to the driven 19-year-old.
  “You could tell right away he was very serious-minded about it and obviously far ahead of his years in how he was carrying himself and what he was investing into it,” says Wojnarowski.
  Charania’s big moment with RealGM came in 2014, when he broke the news of Luol Deng being traded from Chicago to Cleveland. Many veteran NBA reporters were hounding the story, but Charania got it first.
  He’s made the occasional minor error, sure—for example, reporting Tony Wroten and the Knicks were finalizing a three-year deal when Wroten ended up signing for two years—but his record of accuracy is impressive.
  “I think a lot of reporters throw stuff against the wall based on thirddegree information, whereas everything he was getting was directly from the source—the actual player, agent, or team,” says Reina. “It’s not a guy from the Celtics saying something about the Spurs.”   “我觉得很多记者都是通过第三方信息爆料,而他报道的所有消息都是直接来自于真正的球员、经纪人或球队。”雷纳说,“而不是什么凯尔特人的人说马刺会怎么样。”
  In the time it took for Charania and Reina to catch up over lunch in San Francisco last month, Charania broke two pieces of news: David West declining his player option and Ian Clark being listed inactive for Game 5 of the NBA Finals.
  Less is demanded of him during the school year. Though he stays on full-time salary, Wojnarowski says the job is secondary to schoolwork. Charania is majoring in communications with a concentration in journalism. Still, it’s hard to keep him from working.
  “Woj is a great judge of talent and he’s a great mentor,” says Jenkins.“Even though I don’t work there, I think of him as a mentor also. I think early on, he saw in Shams he did it the right way. I think it reminded Woj of the way he did it.”
  “If we’re doing our job, it’s to develop him in a full way,” says Wojnarowski. “He will be the news breaker in the NBA—whether it’s tomorrow or next year or five years from now. He’s going to be that. But he could be a lot more, and that’s my job, to help him in all those facets.”
  Charania frequently mentions how “honored” and “grateful” he is to work with The Vertical staff. “I love our team,” he says. He doesn’t like drawing attention to himself. He wonders why anyone would want to write about him.
  查拉尼亚总是提到,和The Vertical团队合作,他感到“很荣幸”、“很感激”。“我爱我们的团队。”他说。他不喜欢为自己吸引关注,他不知道为什么有人想写和他有关的文章。
  As a journalist, mastering and balancing the human element of sport is a rare gift. As Charania has proven, a reporter who grasps this reality can achieve remarkable things—regardless of age.
  “This business is always about building trust with someone,” Charania said. “I would never want to shortcut anything. I’ve never considered anything to be just about the scoop…the whole name of this game and life in general is about relationships, period. And that’s what I’ve always tried to value first and foremost.”
  ①Doogie Howser是美剧《天才小医生》里的主人公,这部剧曾火爆一时,其中Doogie Howser的扮演者是尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯。
  ②Woj Bombs源自Wojnarowski的姓,由于经常在推特上甩出爆炸性新闻,沃齐纳斯基的推文被人冠上了Woj Bombs的外号。
NBA LIVE  第一代的步行者,曾经是ABA的主宰者。在联盟崛起的那9年间,他们赢得了1970年,1972年和1973年的总冠军。在当年疯狂的球迷面前,鲍勃·伦纳德执教着步行者一路向前(他后来成为了这里的评论员),球队中充斥着ABA最棒的球员。  罗杰·布朗,他是当时步行者的绝对核心。尽管他从未打过NBA——部分原因在于,他与康尼·霍金斯在1960年代的一场大学篮球假球案有着扯不清关系。在那后
让绍妮·舒密尔说篮球之外,她比大多数人都擅长的东西,答案可能会让你大吃一惊。作为一个土生土长的俄勒冈人,你可能会估计她的回答是一些户外活动——说不定是钓鱼,骑山地车什么的。嗯,作为路易斯维尔红雀的一号位,在明星众多的肯塔基州度过了四年,那她或许会喜欢上骑马,或者是打猎抓野猫?不,不。  就像她在生活中的其他方面一样,绍妮(跟“pony”念起来还挺押韵)总是让你大吃一惊:”我得说是(NBA)2K。我
如果一个年轻人强到能在NBADraft.net上拥有一席之地,或者入选BallisLife网站的视频剪辑,甚至这本杂志也用小小一段文字介绍他时,这个有潜力进入NBA的年轻人就会被拿来与那些拥有独特技术和特点的球员进行对比。  这是一种对新生代最简单的分类法,更多时候,这是一种无比愚蠢的方法。很多时候,高中球员之后的发展超越了自己的模板,有些时候这些球员则没能达到预期,而我们给他们设定的模板事后看来
拉斯维加斯,美国男篮的迷你训练营里,这一次没有德里克·罗斯的身影。这一次躲开了所有的聚光灯,话筒,和iPhone,此时,他正处在洛杉矶的一间训练馆里,汗水顺着他的下颚下滑,然后滴在了他全新的adidas D Rose 6上。  在此之前,罗斯在美国男篮集训队里待了几天,好友拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克说,“他看起来还是以前那个罗斯。”但几天后,罗斯主动退出了。  “我现在的信心非常高涨,但我想进一步在技术层
尽管热火在上赛季无缘季后赛,但Hassan Whiteside对迈阿密这座城市而言,意义绝不仅仅是“10+10+10”那么简单。  每当哈桑·怀特塞德走上场时,大家心里都在琢磨,他是不是又要一鸣惊人了。每当他走上球场时,大家就有一种期待,期待这股NBA的新兴力量在数据表上再次大书特书,让人们再一次陷入“我看看……什么……等一下……什么!?”的惊叹中。  在周五对阵小牛,对阵强大的中锋泰森·钱德勒时
2015年9月9日,中国北京——由体坛传媒集团旗下大师高尔夫与东方信天翁合作成立的新壹佰国际贸易(北京)有限公司今日在京成立。  作为大师高尔夫发展战略的重要一环,新壹佰将在原有“壹佰高尔夫”品牌业务的基础上结合大师高尔夫及体坛传媒的强势媒体资源,在中国乃至亚太地区打造一艘最具规模的高尔夫用品销售旗舰,一个全新的高尔夫品牌。  新壹佰国际贸易(北京)有限公司董事长陈菁女士表示,“互联网+的时代,强
这些孩子来自遥远的美国南部,来自澳大利亚或者新西兰,来自西海岸,我们2015年的全美最强高中生已经闪耀了一整年。他们将来能在这个世界上达到怎样的高度,谁都无法预测,但我们对此已经迫不及待。  本·西蒙斯 BEN SIMMONS  2.08米/大前锋/蒙特福德高中/2015全美高中生排名:1  综合评分:97/大学:路易斯安那州立大学  三四号位他都能胜任。他有一系列技术储备,有极高的身体天赋,他有
It’s a single-elimination, winner-take-all tournament for $1 million.  这是场只能赢的比赛,胜利者将带走所有的一百万美元。  Dylan Murphy recalls his experience as head coach of Ants Alumni in "The Basketball Tournament," a sin
早在几个月前,在Nike举办的“The Academy”篮球训练营活动中,勒布朗·詹姆斯便穿着LeBron XIII现身训练营,引得Sneaker界为之震荡。万众期盼下,勒布朗·詹姆斯最新战靴 LBJ 13 Written In The Star终于登场,耀世来袭。LeBron XIII搭载全新ZOOM L.E.A.P.系统(LINKED EXPLOSIVE ARTICULATED PROPULS