女人大都掌握着家庭的钱袋子,她们又都是购物狂。把女人的心思琢磨透了,把话说到她们的心坎上,生意人的银子就来了。三·八节就要到了,让这些最真实、最客观的数据告诉你女人的秘密吧! 现在,女性不仅已成为主导中国日用消费品市场消费观念的主力军,而且正在日益成为影响中国耐用消费品市场消费观念的生力军。可以这么说,女性已经成为中国消费市场的一支主导消费力量,因此,对商家而言,深入了解女性消费者的消费心理和行为,就变得越来越重要了。下面根据 CMMS2003秋季调查近
Most women hold the family's money bags, they are all shopaholic. The women's minds have figured it out, to speak to their heart, the businessman's money came. Now, women have not only become the main force in leading the concept of consumer spending in China's daily consumer goods market, but are also increasingly becoming the major force influencing China's consumer durable goods Market consumption concept of the new force. It can be said that women have become a dominant consumer power in China's consumer market, therefore, it becomes more and more important for businesses to gain a deeper understanding of the consumer psychology and behavior of female consumers. Following the autumn CMMS2003 survey