1.前言 小木蠹蛾(Holcocerus insularisStaudinger)在天津两年发生一代,世代重叠较为严重,在同一株树上常有几百头至上千头大小相差一年的两代幼虫,群集为害。每代幼虫要在树干中生活22个月以上。成虫一般于5月下旬开始羽化,一直持续至9月上旬,成虫寿命2~8天,雌成虫后释放一种性信息素吸引雄成虫前来交配,然后产卵,一头雌成虫可产卵几十粒至几百粒不等,卵单产或成堆产于粗树皮缝内,卵期15~24天,7月10日左右幼虫孵化后集聚在形成层、木质部浅层为害,稍大后
1. Introduction Holcocerus insularis Studinger occurs in two years in Tianjin and has a serious overlapping of generations. In the same tree, two generations of larvae, hundreds of heads and thousand heads of different size, are often clustered and harmed. Each larvae should live in the trunk for more than 22 months. Adults generally begin to emerge in late May and last until early September. Adults live for 2 to 8 days. Female sex pheromone releases a sex pheromone to attract males to mate and spawn. A female adult can lay eggs. Ten to hundreds of eggs ranging from eggs per unit of production or piles of crude bark produce stitches, the egg period of 15 to 24 days, July 10 about larvae hatch after the accumulation in the formation layer, the Ministry of the shallow xylem, slightly larger