
来源 :福建教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WEIFINDYOU
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数学是人们生活、劳动和学习必不可少的工具,它为其他学科提供了语言、思想和方法,它是人类的一种文化,它的内容、思想方法和语言是现代文明的重要组成部分,在数学教学中突出思想方法这条主线,抓好数学思想方法的渗透,让学生在数学学习的过程中领悟数学的观点、思想和方法,从而提高学生的数学素质,进而促进学生全面、持续、和谐地发展。但是,由于数学教学内容是由教材中的概念、法则、性质、公式、公理、定理、例题等以及由其内容所反映出的数学思想方法组成的,因而,在教学中应当精心设计教学过程,使数学思想方法渗透于数学教学的全过程,这样才能潜移默化地引导学生领会其所蕴含的数学思想方法。下面谈谈在教学中渗透数学思想方法的一些尝试和体会。 Mathematics is an indispensable tool for people’s life, labor, and learning. It provides languages, thoughts, and methods for other disciplines. It is a human culture. Its content, thoughts, methods, and languages ​​are an important part of modern civilization. In the teaching of mathematics, we should highlight the main method of thinking and do a good job of infiltrating the thinking and methods of mathematics so that students can comprehend the viewpoints, thoughts, and methods of mathematics in the process of mathematics learning, so as to improve students’ mathematics quality and promote students’ full-scale, continuous, Develop harmoniously. However, because the content of mathematics teaching consists of concepts, rules, properties, formulas, axioms, theorems, examples, etc. of the teaching materials, as well as mathematical thinking methods reflected by their contents, the teaching process should be carefully designed in teaching. Make mathematics thinking methods penetrate the whole process of mathematics teaching, so as to guide students in a subtle way to understand the mathematics ideas and methods they contain. Let’s talk about some attempts and experiences in penetrating mathematical thinking in teaching.