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高中生在生理发育上已接近成人水平,个性和心理品质基本定型。思维活跃,求知欲旺盛,兴趣广泛;但又有幼稚的一面,感情丰富,却有很大的波动性;意志力增强,自我意识发展,自尊心强且脆弱,被理解和尊重的需要强烈。即将成人的高中生,几十个人生活、学习在一个班集体中,他(她)的文化价值取向最容易受到班级文化的影响。如果班级的师生关系、生生关系中充满和谐与活力,班级团队文化温馨、优雅、有 High school students in the physical development is close to the adult level, personality and psychological quality of the basic stereotypes. Active thinking, strong curiosity and a wide range of interests. However, on the naive side, feelings are rich but there is great volatility. There is a strong need to be understood and respected with strong willpower, self-esteem, strong and fragile self-esteem. Upcoming adult high school students, dozens of personal life, learning in a class collective, his (her) cultural value orientation most vulnerable to class culture. If the class teacher-student relationship, life and life is full of harmony and vitality, class team warm and elegant culture, there
民间学者熊伟在广东乌坎居住、参与组织选举,长达3个多月,不论官方还是民间,都对其有所争议。  有的官员在选举现场对他不置可否,陆丰市一位民政官员则对记者表示,熊伟的做法把乡村治理制度设计上的一些问题暴露了出来,熊伟提出的村民代表被村委会操纵、村委会不召集村代表会议,这个问题其实民政部门也在递交报告向上反映。  在民间,乌坎村有熊伟的铁杆支持者,也有不少反对者。不久前,熊伟与乌坎村民张建兴还在微博上