第四届中国上海国际艺术节的参演剧目,由湖南省歌舞剧院创作演出的大型民族舞剧《边城》,以其深邃的思想内涵,新颖的舞蹈语汇,浓郁的民族风格而引人瞩目。 舞剧《边城》的特点。首先它是从舞蹈本体特征出发,对小说进行精简和提炼。充分发挥了舞蹈擅长抒情的特长,反映了“酉水流域一个小城市中几个愚夫俗子被一件普通人事牵连在一处时,
The fourth China Shanghai International Arts Festival in the repertoire, the Hunan Provincial Song and Dance Theater creation performances of large-scale national ballet “border town”, with its profound ideological content, novel dance vocabulary, rich ethnic style and attract people’s attention. Dance drama “Border Town” features. First of all, based on the characteristics of dance ontology, it is to streamline and refine the novel. Give full play to the dance good at lyrical expertise, reflecting "a small city in the Youshui River Basin, when a few fools and folks were implicated in an ordinary person,