以高温透平叶片尾部区内部冷却为应用背景 ,对带顺排、错排扰流片肋的通道内空气流动和传热过程进行了数值模拟。计算结果表明 ,在相同雷诺数下 ,错排扰流片的阻力系数比针肋和顺排绕流片的阻力因子均增大约 2 % ,而冷却能力分别增大约 5 0 %和 9% .
Taking the internal cooling of the tail region of the high temperature turbine blade as the application background, the numerical simulation of the air flow and heat transfer in the channel with the row of parallel and wrong row of spoilers is carried out. The calculated results show that the drag coefficient of the erroneous exhaust flow increases by about 2% and the cooling capacity by about 50% and 9%, respectively, compared with the resistance factor of the needle flow and the parallel flow around the flow sheet at the same Reynolds number.