课堂改革需亮剑 “帮学助竟”任我行

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课改——被当今教育界热议的话题,虽然已不是一个新名词,但真正去扎扎实实落实课改的学校或者教师,或许还只是一个为数不多的群体。作为新世纪践行课改的一位基层教育工作者来说,面对日新月异的教育理念,面对日渐流失的生源,面对落后的传统教学模式和不思求变的教师队伍,改革已是目前迫切要解决的问题。马克思也承认着眼改革,重视实践,这是两个最基本的观点。1我,甘愿做一名课改的实践者,我也相信:只有大胆创新地进行课改,才是教师实现自我价值、体验生命快乐的源泉。 Curriculum Reform - a subject heatedly debated by today’s education circles, is not a new term, but a school or a teacher who really wants to implement a course reform may be only one of the few groups. As a grassroots educator practicing curriculum reform in the new century, in the face of the ever-changing educational concept, in the face of a growing source of students and in the face of the backward traditional teaching model and contingent of teachers who do not want to change, the reform has been Currently urgent problems to be solved. Marx also recognizes that focusing on reform and attaching importance to practice are two basic concepts. 1 I am willing to be a practitioner of curriculum reform, and I also believe that only bold and innovative curriculum reform is the source of teachers’ self-worth and experience of happiness in life.
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