哪些人容易失去饭碗 俗话说“创业难,守业更难”。认为找到了好工作就掉以轻心,转眼间就可能丢掉饭碗,前功尽弃。那么,哪些人最容易丢掉饭碗呢? 其一,专业知识不精的人。王平是通过一位在某机关单位工作的亲戚介绍进入一家港资厂工作的。毕业于技工学校的王平,专业水平一般,粗活不愿干,细活又干不了,但老板碍于亲戚所在的单位与自己工厂有一定的利害关系,不好拒绝,勉强接纳。王平在这家厂中还算循规蹈矩,可是他的专业技能始终没有什么长进。后来正好碰上王平的
Which people easily lose their jobs As the saying goes “difficult business, keep the business more difficult.” Think that finding a good job to be taken lightly, may soon lose their jobs, come to naught. So, who is most likely to lose their jobs? First, people who have poor professional knowledge. Wang Ping introduced the work of a Hong Kong-owned factory through the relatives working in an organ unit. Wang Ping graduated from a technical school, professional standards in general, rough reluctant to do fine, can not do fine, but the boss due to relatives where the units and their factories have some interest, not good to reject, reluctantly accepted. Wang Ping fairly behaved in this factory, but his professional skills have not been any progress. Later, just hit Wang Ping