随着时代的发展,高雅的棒垒球也成为奥运殿堂的新宠。男子棒球1992年首次列入第25后奥运会正式比赛之后,女子垒球也终于昂首阔步地成为亚特兰大奥运会的正式比赛项目。这,给我们带来了新的曙光。 1994年在加拿大举行的第8后世界锦标赛上,中国女子垒球队勇夺亚军,为祖国取得了第一张进军亚特兰大的入场券。许多人在欣喜惊讶的同时,也对这个较为陌生的项目发生了浓厚的兴趣。
With the development of the times, elegant baseball and softball have also become the new favorite of the Olympic Games. Men’s Baseball After being listed for the first time in the official Olympics after the 25th Olympic Games in 1992, the women’s softball finally became the official event of the Atlanta Olympic Games. This brings us a new dawn. At the 8th World Championships in Canada in 1994, the Chinese women’s softball team won the runner-up and won the first ticket for the motherland to enter Atlanta. While many were overjoyed and surprised, many were also interested in this stranger project.