一九八六年全国高校象棋邀请赛于八月四日至九日在北京举行。 这次比赛由北京市高校体委、市教育工会、北京棋院联合举办,北京师范大学承办。来自十三个省市的近百名教职工和学生参加了比赛。比赛分学生组、教工组、女子组进行,团体只录取学生组前六名。经过激烈紧张的角逐,北京队、上海队、天津队分获学生团体赛(男)的前三名;北京纪中启获得教工组冠军;学生组冠军被天津商思源夺得;在北京师范大学中文系学习的象棋特级大师谢思明获女子组冠军。
The National College Chess Tournament 1986 was held in Beijing from August 4 to August 9. The competition by the Beijing Municipal Sports Commission, City Education Union, organized jointly by Beijing Chess, Beijing Normal University contractors. Nearly 100 faculty members and students from thirteen provinces and municipalities participated in the competition. The competition is divided into student groups, teaching staff, women’s team, the group only admitted the top six students. After intense intense competition, Beijing team, Shanghai team and Tianjin team won the top three of the student group matches (men); Beijing Ji Zhongqi won the title of teaching and administrative staff group; the student group champion won by Tianjin Sisiyuan; at Beijing Normal University Chinese Department of learning chess grandmaster Xie Siming won the women’s champion.