当前,授权已经成为玩具业不可或缺的一部分。根据国外知名市场调查机构NPD Group的调查数据显示,在去年,与授权相关的玩具销售额占到美国玩具总零售额的30%,比几年前预测的25%这一数据要高得多;以数量来算,美国零售市场上卖出的每4件玩具中,就有1件是授权玩具。授权玩具在美国的火爆,连美泰、孩之宝这两大玩具巨头都非常倚重授权玩具的销售,更是其中的主要受益者。但在其繁荣的背后,却也有不少隐忧。
At present, authorization has become an integral part of the toy industry. According to a survey conducted by the NPD Group, a well-known foreign market research agency, in the past year, authorized toy sales accounted for 30% of the total retail sales of toys in the United States, up from 25% predicted a few years ago. In terms of quantity, one out of every four toys sold in the U.S. retail market is licensed. Authorized toy popular in the United States, and even the United States and Thailand, Hasbro these two toy giants are heavily dependent on the sale of authorized toys, is one of the main beneficiaries. But behind its prosperity, there are also many hidden worries.