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2013年福建省高考理科综合物理试题第22题属新题型,理解题意是突破第(3)问的关键,该题能力要求高.是一道难题,面对第(3)问许多考生束手无策.本文结合自己教学经验谈谈高考物理计算题如何利用数学知识解决.数学是表达物理概念和规律的最准确、最精练、最概括的语言,是研究解决物理问题的必不可少的工具.运用数学知识解决物理问题具体表现为把物理问题转化为数学问题,然后运用数学的方法进行推理和运算.培养运用数学知识解决物理问题的技能,主要是学习把物理问题转化为数学问题,并进一步解决问题的方法.题目.(2013年福建理综第22题)如图1(甲),空间存在一范围足够大的垂直于xOy平面向外的匀强磁场,磁感应强度大小为B.让质量为m,电荷量为q(q>0)的粒子从坐标原点O沿xOy平面以不同的初速度大小和方向入射到该磁场中.不计重力和粒子间的影响. In 2013 Fujian province college entrance examination science comprehensive physics test question 22 is a new type of question, to understand the meaning of the question is to break the key (3) question, the question requires high ability is a problem in the face of (3) asked many candidates helpless This article, combined with my own teaching experience, talks about how to solve the physical calculation problems of college entrance examination by mathematical knowledge.Mathematics is the most accurate, the most concise and the most generalized language that expresses the concept and law of physics, which is an indispensable tool for studying and solving physical problems. Mathematical knowledge to solve physical problems is manifested in the physical problems into mathematical problems, and then the use of mathematical methods for reasoning and arithmetic training to use mathematical knowledge to solve physical problems skills, mainly to learn the physical problems into mathematical problems and to further solve (Fujian Science and Technology in 2013 No. 22) Figure 1 (A), there is a large enough space in the space perpendicular to the xOy plane out of a strong magnetic field, the size of the magnetic induction B. Let the mass of m and charges q (q> 0) enter the magnetic field at different initial velocities and directions along the xOy plane from the coordinate origin O. Excluding the effects of gravitational forces and particles,
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