五花八门、形形色色的遥控车模,真是惹人喜爱。若能拿到学校来,和小伙伴们赛一赛,不但有意思,还可以提高队员们的多项能力。 一、夸夸我心爱的车模拿着自己心爱的车模,走上讲台,作一分钟的讲演,如果能简明扼要地介绍清楚它的性能特点、生动形象地表达自己的迷恋之情,活灵活现地描述它的故事,就能得到大家投来的小红花。得花最多者为车模宣传冠军。 二、车模小模特拿着遥控器,驾驶着自己的车模,在规定的展台上展示一分钟,要求有三个富有创意的动作和三句台词,以反映“新世纪,我能行”的精神风貌。
Variety, all kinds of remote control car, really lovable. If you can get the school to play a game with the small partners, not only interesting, but also can improve the team's many abilities. I boast my beloved car model holding my beloved car model, embarked on the podium, for a minute of speech, if concise and easy to introduce its performance characteristics, a vivid expression of their infatuation, vivid description Its story, you can get everyone voted for the small red flowers. To spend the most for the car model champion. Second, the car model Small model with a remote control, driving his car model, in the provisions of the exhibition stand for a minute, requires three creative moves and three lines to reflect the “new century, I can do,” the spirit of .