老师们总爱打一个老掉牙的比方:文科是左腿,理科是右腿,两条腿都得结结实实,健康有力, 才能飞速向前跑。这个比方老归老,很遗憾,说的却是一个几乎难以辩驳的真理。更遗憾的是,我们中的许多人被不幸言中,不知何时已变成了文科或理科中的某一门永远学不好的“长短腿”,只好在漫漫求学途上一瘸一拐往前挪,眼睁睁看着“健全”人潇洒矫健的背影一掠而过,惟有欲哭无泪、捶胸顿足的份儿。教育家们也总是把“全面发展”、“具备综合素质”作为衡量一个学生是否优秀的重要标准,那些得了奥林匹克学科奖或者国外一流大学全额奖学金的骄子们总是在镜头前笑眯眯地介绍自己:不但数理化全优,语文、英语、历史、地理也都名列前茅;不但能歌善舞,还是钢琴八级,长跑破过校纪录……似乎只有这样的人才能成为“好学生”的样板,而“长短腿”们相形之下永远是病态的。事实真的如此吗?
Teachers always like to play an old-fashioned analogy: liberal arts is the left leg, science is the right leg, both legs must be solid, healthy and powerful, can run forward quickly. This old man, like the old, regretted that it was an almost irrefutable truth. What’s more regrettable is that many of us have been misfortunes and we don’t know when they have become a long-short leg of the liberal arts or sciences that will never learn well. They have to limp through the long road to study. Before moving, he watched as the backs of the “sound” people sprang and swept away. Only the ones who wanted to cry out without tears and beat their breasts. Educators also always regard “comprehensive development” and “comprehensive quality” as an important criterion to measure whether a student is excellent. Those who have won the Olympic Discipline Award or a full-scale scholarship at a first-rate foreign university are always smiling in front of the camera. Himself: Not only the mathematics and chemistry are excellent, but also the languages, English, history, and geography are all in the top; not only can we dance and dance, but also piano grade 8, long-distance running break the school record... It seems that only such a person can become a model of “good student”. However, “long legs and short legs” are always morbid. Is this really true?