2007~2009年,常德市鼎城区实施“种三产四”丰产工程。3年来,共示范推广超级杂交稻5.42万hm2,平均产量9 060 kg/hm2,总产稻谷491 062 t,与全区同期水稻生产相比,平均产量增加3 083 kg/hm2,增幅为51.58%。鼎城区通过一系列技术措施和组织管理措施不断推进超级杂交稻的示范推广,取得了丰硕成果,但同时也存在一些问题,需在育种、配套栽培技术和病虫害综合防治技术等领域加大研究力度。
2007 ~ 2009, Dingcheng District, Changde City, the implementation of “three kinds of four” high yielding project. Over the past three years, a total of 54,200 hm2 of super-hybrid rice has been demonstrated and promoted, with an average yield of 9,060 kg / hm2 and a total output of 491,062 t of rice. Compared with the same period of rice production in the region, the average output increased by 3 083 kg / hm2, an increase of 51.58% . Through a series of technical measures and organization and management measures, Dingcheng District has been continuously promoting the demonstration and popularization of super hybrid rice and has achieved fruitful results. However, there are also some problems that need to be intensified in such fields as breeding, supporting cultivation techniques and pest and disease control technologies .