目的:选育高产优质柴胡新品系。方法:从野生北柴胡(Bupleurum chinense DC)群体中筛选优良单株,采用株系选育法选育优良品种。以产量和品质性状为主要指标,考察历代选育材料,开展了品系比较试验和区域试验。结果:选育的柴胡新品系JX06-1-6种子长椭圆形,主茎呈特明显“之”字形曲折,平均单株根重2.13 g。干燥根总灰分4.6%,酸不溶性灰分1.4%,浸出物22.8%,柴胡皂苷0.92%,品质优于2010版《中华人民共和国药典》规定标准。2009—2011年品系比较试验增产显著(P<0.05),单产达到1377.5 kg·hm-2,较红柴胡(对照)增产30.29%,较红柴胡(对照)显著增产30.29%;是适于西北地区种植的目前较好的柴胡高产优质新品系。结论:选育的柴胡新品系JX06-1-6具有良好的丰产性和药用价值等优点,达到了选育的目的。
Objective: To breed new strains of Bupleurum with high yield and good quality. Methods: The excellent individuals were screened from the population of Bupleurum chinense DC and the elite varieties were selected by the method of line selection. Taking the yield and quality traits as the main indexes, we investigated the breeding materials of different ages and carried out the comparison test and the regional experiment of the strains. Results: The new seed of Bupleurum JX06-1-6 was oval in shape and the main stem was obviously “zigzag” with an average root weight of 2.13 g per plant. Dry ash total ash 4.6%, acid insoluble ash 1.4%, extract 22.8%, saikosaponin 0.92%, better quality than the 2010 edition of “People’s Republic of China Pharmacopoeia” the required standard. Compared with that of Bupleurum (control), the yield was 1377.5 kg · hm-2, which was 30.29% higher than that of Bupleurum (control) and 30.29% higher than that of Bupleurum (control) Northwest cultivation of the current better Bupleurum high yield and quality of new lines. Conclusion: The new Bupleurum JX06-1-6 strain has the advantages of good yield and medicinal value, reaching the purpose of breeding.