In 2003, the total revenue of TV commercials in China reached 25.504 billion yuan, an increase of 2.4 billion yuan over the previous year. However, the difference between the advertising revenue of the provincial-level TV stations and the provincial-level city TV stations, the eastern cities and the western city-based television stations is obvious and the competition is fierce. From one aspect, it reflects the imbalance in the economic development of our cities. As a theoretical description of the current general trend of media reform in China, in a certain dimension, the development of the media industry has become a common discourse between media practice and theorists. His research also went through from assumptions to positivism to deepening. At the same time, inevitably encountered a new theoretical topic. Pay TV What For domestic media is actively promoting the digital pay TV media, the technical platform to build is necessary, but more important is the enrichment of the content source.