无法回避的问题 2000年年底,中央电视台《生活》栏目组联合国家统计局城调总队在全国10个城市开展生活意向调查。在被调查的十大热点问题中,百姓关注率最高的前三个问题又是医疗卫生制度的改革,关注率87%;社会保障制度的完善,关注率81.8%;失业与就业,关注率68.1%。 随便翻开报纸杂志,打开电视机,从中央到地方的各种新闻媒介,群众“看病难”的问题仍旧存在——大医院看病等候时间长、费用贵;
The problem can not be avoided At the end of 2000, CCTV “living” section of the joint National Bureau of Statistics City Corps in 10 cities nationwide to carry out life intentions survey. Among the top ten hot spots investigated, the top three issues with the highest rate of public attention are the reform of the medical and health system, with a concern rate of 87%; the improvement of the social security system with a concern rate of 81.8%; unemployment and employment with a concern rate of 68.1 %. Just open the newspapers and magazines, turn on the television, from the central to local media, the masses “see a doctor difficult” the problem still exists - a large hospital waiting time for a long time, expensive;