There have been many reports on theoretical and experimental studies of rock strength. At present, more Mohr-Coulomb theory is widely used in rock mechanics. However, this theory only considers the effect of the maximum shear stress τ_(13) and the normal stress σ_(13) on its corresponding surface, but does not consider the role of the intermediate principal shear stress τ_(12) or τ_(23), ie it does not consider The influence of the principal stress σ_2, so the Mohr-Coulomb theory can also be called the single shear theory. Some experiments show that this is inconsistent with the reality. For example, Mogi (K.) after years of research, it was found that σ_2 has a great impact on rock failure. Therefore, it has been proposed to adopt a modified octahedral shear stress condition and put forward the following forms: The failure criterion, τ_8=f(σ_1+σ_3+ασ_2); In addition, the literature [5] gives a three-dimensional damage criterion for rocks, which is expressed by the first and third stress invariants, but this seems to be only a mathematical On the combination, lack of physical significance. In addition, there are many semi-empirical forms of guidelines and so on.